No, but seriously. We (Lia and Sass) are starting a blog about literally everything and absolutely nothing. We hope that it will be kind of organic, but with its roots still in The Man. Like the organic section in Stop and Shop.
We do a lot of stupid shit. And a lot of really cool shit. And we have a lot of opinions that we feel morally compelled to share. We were going to have a radio show this semester in order to do just that, but then we found out that getting one requires taking a test about radio equipment. Let's just say we don't have a radio show. Luckily, you don't need to take a test to operate the internets or the blog and vlogospheres. Plus you can only pick up the WAMH signal within a 35 foot radius of the DJ booth. Also, the thought of a small Asian man in Japan reading this tickles us in a way that can't be described.
Things we love:
Pizza, science, crossword puzzles, being in constant contact with each other, the procrastination nation, linguistics, bad jokes, bad puns, loving them, lottery tickets, television (Bravo), the interwebs, gmail, Justin Kimball, babies, animals (Lia), paper and emoticons (Sass), flowers, punking... ourselves, community service, naps, joyrides windows down music blasting, everything France, everything men, everything French men.
Things we hate:
Other blogs, incompetence (our own included), ppl who tlk lk ths onlne or in txt mssgs, tardiness (Lia), forgetfulness (Sass), responsibilities, binge drinkers, inclement weather, unwavering optimism, the UGG corporation, pedestrianism, chatty drug dealers (Lia), abusing drugs (Sass), philistines, "books for show."
Things to expect:
All of that + weekly features: manswers, that really grinds my gears, things we covet, lottery ticket tallies, artwork of the week, things we talked about today. And general movies, music, fashion, museums, television, travel, food reviews/opinions/situations/paradoxes/enigmas/trivias. Lots of anecdotes.
Enjoy it. That's an order.
Lia and Sass
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