Saturday, March 7, 2009

It's Science

Today is Saturday.  On Tuesday Lia and I have a full first draft of our theses due.  Naturally, this was a PERFECT time for Lia to throw a bottle of water onto my laptop and kill her (the laptop).  At that moment, things turned from real to...unbearably real.  Luckily, I had been backing up my chapters and notes etc onto a mini external hard drive.  Had it been Lia (genius that she is) she would've lost litrally everything.  That showed her!

Anyway, after briefly bugging, we decided to heed some advice from Lia's dad and coax the water out of the laptop in a RICE bath.  You heard me right.  Apparently it's science?  Rice loves eating water...even out of electronics.  It's a chemical's love.  So we went to McDonald's.  (hey, we weren't gonna let a soggy computer keep us from lunch.)  Then we went to Stop & Shop for the bag of rice.  Stop & Shop sells 8,000 brands and sizes of rice.  I was envisioning submerging my whole computer in a suitcase full of rice.  Turns out, I really only need to submerge my battery.  (Btw, when I told my dad I was doing this, he appropriately asked : Brown? Jasmine? or a nice Arborio?  classic Dad move...) We settled on a 3-pound bag of long-grain, and as I type we are conducting science in an empty garbage bin.  FINGERS CROSSED IT WORKS.

P.S. This also works for cell phone batteries that have experienced wetness. (Toilets.)

Thanks, Lia.  For your science, and for rueeeeeeeeening my life.  


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