Myself nearly three years removed, I had forgotten about the ways in which your thesis takes over your life. Takes over your livelihood, really. For it isn't just the physically true fact that every event and free moment is arranged for (or begrudgingly around) your thesis. That's merely hard work.
No: it's that this essay -- this thief of so many nights of beirut and no-strings-attached sex -- is on a topic that even you stopped caring about in March. It's that it'll have 75 more pages than readers. It's that the number of months a thesis requires tends to be one more than the number for which you're able to remain consecutively sane.
And so in that one final month, your brain a hollow shell of its former self, you begin to dip into the recessed parts of your intellect better reserved for Wii Tennis and Golden Barbeque Wingies -- and you lose your goddamn mind.
Sa, on the title of her thesis:
11:55:28 AM 4/7/09: light and shadow's nightly tango:
11:55:31 AM 4/7/09: the michael scott story
11:55:36 AM 4/7/09: i need a second half
11:56:22 AM 4/7/09: the second half needs paris, budelaire, and surrealism
11:56:59 AM 4/7/09: and photographs
on (things that aren't) her argument:
12:21:37 PM 4/7/09 Ben: what's the one sentence point of your thesis
12:21:42 PM 4/7/09 Ben: what is your, if i dare, thesis statement
12:23:54 PM 4/7/09 Sara: like
12:23:55 PM 4/7/09 Sara: if i knew
12:24:00 PM 4/7/09 Sara: i would feel really good
12:34:27 PM 4/7/09 Sara: i have no idea what my feces is
12:37:56 PM 4/7/09 Sara: i don't do anythuing you might expect from this feces
12:40:47 PM 4/7/09 Ben: so there was some movement
12:40:51 PM 4/7/09 Ben: call it surrealism
12:40:55 PM 4/7/09 Ben: happening across art
12:40:59 PM 4/7/09 Ben: and baudeliere practiced it?
12:41:23 PM 4/7/09 Sara: no
12:42:27 PM 4/7/09 Ben: so chapter 1 is just mapping the work of baudelaire to the surrealist work of the 20s and drawing the parallels
12:42:31 PM 4/7/09 Ben: ?
12:42:34 PM 4/7/09 Sara: no
12:42:42 PM 4/7/09 Sara: chapter 1 is just brassai and baudelaire
12:43:05 PM 4/7/09 Ben: just a biography of each?
12:43:10 PM 4/7/09 Sara: no no
12:44:00 PM 4/7/09 Ben: and then chapter 2 is how brassai was therefore a surrealist but deined it?
12:44:07 PM 4/7/09 Sara: no
12:44:40 PM 4/7/09 Ben: ok. i mean the unsuspecting reader of the thesis might expect the chapters to be, you know, related
12:44:51 PM 4/7/09 Sara: AH GOD
12:44:54 PM 4/7/09 Ben: so WHY after saying what you say in C1 do you bring all this up in C2
12:45:03 PM 4/7/09 Sara: um
12:45:26 PM 4/7/09 Sara: i do'nt know
12:46:32 PM 4/7/09 Ben: ok so baud makes these statements (either directly or with his work, no matter) about what modern art should be
12:46:39 PM 4/7/09 Ben: and that in effect precursors the surrealists
12:47:01 PM 4/7/09 Ben: of whom brassai -- perhaps begrudgingly -- is one?
12:47:12 PM 4/7/09 Sara: sure but
12:47:14 PM 4/7/09 Sara: that's not really the point
on Brassai:
12:50:19 PM 4/7/09 Ben: how does he write/take pix?
12:50:37 PM 4/7/09 Sara: dignifying gross things
12:50:40 PM 4/7/09 Sara: making them beautiful
12:51:13 PM 4/7/09 Sara: using imagination to enhance the real
12:51:17 PM 4/7/09 Sara: make it poetic
12:51:39 PM 4/7/09 Ben: that's ... surrealism / romanticism
12:51:46 PM 4/7/09 Ben: like i took art 100 years ago for 3 minutes and i know that
12:52:16 PM 4/7/09 Ben: in'it? it's like mostly real fings, but wif a bit of a surreal nature as to make dem more interesting
12:52:30 PM 4/7/09 Sara: hahaha
12:52:35 PM 4/7/09 Sara: i have a sentence for idiots like you
on editing:
12:58:10 PM 4/7/09 Sara: ok you know what? c an you read my thesis in the next hour?
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