Or so said the Roman philosopher Seneca in the mid-first century. If true, then it's worth checking out the Richard Avedon exhibition at the International Center of Photography, which runs until September 6th. Avedon revolutionized fashion photography, transforming it into an art form. Often, his compositions are so orchestrated and original that they seem entirely spontaneous, making you forget that these were shot for a magazine (usually Vogue or Harper's Bazaar) and not fortuitous moments caught by a photographer roaming the streets of Paris. The clothes are beautiful, the women wearing them are beautiful, and Avedon captures and enhances both beautifully. The old black and white stuff is the best, but Avedon worked right up until his final moments in 2004 (he photographed Obama soon before he died), so there's some modern color stuff too - featuring Gisele no less. The ICP also has a great café, assuming the highly incompetent Russian woman isn't manning the counter, because homegirl - or should I say, дом женщина? - WILL charge you three times for one café latte and forget to make it every time you coax her gently towards the machine.
But seriously, it's a great show and worth going above 14th street, (or below 59th as the case may be... Sass). And though Seneca would have no idea what was going on, I needed an engaging intro.
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